We bring financial advisory covering international as well as domestic disputes, focusing mainly on the affairs of loss of profit and damages.
Team of our professionals arrange a complex financial analysis, perform dispute’s due diligence and formulate detailed argumentation report to be presented front of the court or other arbitration proceedings.
Silnice Morava
MiddleCap helped to successfully complete the sale of a regional construction company operating in the field of construction, maintenance and reconstruction of roads, the company Silnice Morava, s.r.o. IMOS Brno became the new owner.
Značky Morava and Silverton
Middlecap prepared one of the first large sales in the construction sector in the Czech Republic in 2021. Cidem Invest, which belongs to the Cidem holding bought Značky Morava and Silverton.
Transdev Česká republika
MiddleCap acted as an exclusive buy-side advisor during the acquisition process of one of the largest bus companies on the Czech market, formed by three companies operating over 400 buses in Moravian regions and a bus management company.
MiddleCap acted as an exclusive financial advisor to the owners of ELRON Elektro, a Slovak electro material retailer, in the disposal of 80% equity interest to a Czech strategic investors.
MiddleCap acted as a transaction advisor in the sale of SLOVAKIA STEEL MILLS, a. s. in a bankruptcy process within the framework of an international public tender.
News Advertising
MiddleCap acted as an exclusive transaction advisor to the owners of News Advertising in the disposal of 100% equity interest to a Czech leading outdoor advertising company.
CEMEX Czech Republic
MiddleCap served as an exclusive transaction advisor during the sales process of two subsidiary companies, that were operating three limestone quarries in Slovakia.