Private Equity

Slovak FOKUS očná optika and Czech FOKUS optik were purchased by MiddleCap Group S.A.

Luxembourg / Prague / Bratislava  FOKUS optik and FOKUS očná optika are the largest eyewear retail network in the Czech and Slovak Republic. By closing both transactions, MiddleCap Group has become one of the largest players in the Central European eyewear retailers market, now operating more than 150 stores. MiddleCap is the owner of both companies.

Both retail networks have been active in the relevant markets for a long time, deriving their history from the foundations back in the 1950s. With its 66 operations, FOKUS očná optika has been the leader on the Slovak market for a long time. Czech FOKUS optik is the number one in the number of stores (90) and number two based on the revenues. The assortment of both companies consists of a wide and attractive product portfolio in the range of prescription glasses, sunglasses, spectacle frames, contact lenses and accessories. In Slovakia, several operations include also a Vision centre – the connection of opticians with an outpatient medical facility under one roof, which provides the customer with comprehensive eye care. In the Czech Republic, gel contact lenses, designed by world-renowned Czech inventor Otto Wichterle, were applied for the first time in the world in Prague stores operated by FOKUS optik.

“We perceive FOKUS as a traditional strong brand, known for its reliability, product quality, and especially for highly qualified personnel. With the purchase of Czech and Slovak FOKUS, we want to leverage the existing market potential and synergies from the integration of the brand in the two countries, thus strengthening the position of the FOKUS brand as a leader in the Slovak and Czech optical retail market. At the same time, we see great potential in developing the FOKUS brand in other Central European countries,” commented Martin Proksa, Head of Private Equity at MiIddleCap Group, S.A. and a member of the Board of Directors of FOKUS očná optika andFOKUS optik.

In this transaction, MiddleCap was advised by a Slovak law firm MCL providing complex services including acquisition, financing and structuring advisory and the Czech law firm Urban & Hejduk.

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